Some places to look for additional help.
Every family's needs are unique, and some are more complex than others. It can be helpful to have some ideas on hand for where to go to find what you need. Although we are not affiliated with the resources below, we think they may be useful for some families who have a loved one diagnosed with autism.

Support Groups & Resources
“For many people with an ASD and their families, daily life is not easy. However, finding resources and planning for the future can help families improve their quality of life. The following is a list of local, state and national resources that you may find of interest.”
“The Department of Social Services Waiver for Persons with Autism provides home-and community-based services to individuals with autism who do not have an intellectual disability (a full IQ score of 70 or higher).”
FAVOR Connecticut Autism resource list.
“DDS helps people live, learn, work, and enjoy life in their communities. You’ll see that we have many programs, services, and resources for you or a loved one and your support team.”
“Our website is our globally accessible resource and communications hub for all things related to the special needs and disabled communities. Here on our Facebook page, we offer news and general information both regarding this page and about the community.”
Grants & Scholarships
“Would your family benefit if someone else paid the bills? We can help your family with a grant up to $5,000! Autism Care Today provides funding assistance to families throughout the United States on a quarterly basis. These grants are designed to provide access to individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Since 2005, Autism Care Today has helped more than 1,562 families and provided more than $1.85 million in grants.”
“Anchor of Hope Foundation offers financial assistance to individuals who can provide a proof of diagnosis of a developmental disability to help cover the costs of therapy, education, equipment, and other direct needs of the individual not covered by insurance or Medicaid. The maximum scholarship amount is $250.00 per individual per calendar year.”
“If you are a family with autism in need of immediate financial assistance or support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and connect you with the resources you need to thrive.”
“The Maggie Welby Foundation offers scholarships for children grades Kindergarten through twelfth grade. The scholarships are awarded annually to children who demonstrate a financial need, and complete the Maggie Welby Foundation Scholarship Application.”
“Families with a joint household income up to $125,000 are invited to apply for grants for speech therapy, therapeutic summer camps, or assistive devices or applications.”
“Our mission at UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation is to provide medical grants that enhance the quality of life for children across the United States. These grants give kids the care they need by helping with medical expenses not covered, or not fully covered, by their family’s commercial health insurance.”
“Assisting families with the unimaginable expenses of raising a child with autism… We created the Suzanne Tyner Autism Fund to help families pay for autism services not covered by traditional insurance or grants. Such services include early intervention programs, assessments and testing, social skills programs, college support programs, transition-to-employment programs, touch devices, and recreational activities.”
“CARE Grant Program is for helping families with medication, autism diagnosis/evaluation, therapy session (including speech, OT and ABA,) and autism summer camps.”
“MyGOAL offers a yearly grant to families across the United States, to support and care for individuals under 18 years old with autism.”
“We make Self-Sufficiency Grants in an effort to assist individuals and families who, because they are working and live just above the poverty level, are ineligible for most types of conventional social assistance but who, all the same, are living one or two lost paychecks away from the kind of financial catastrophe that eventually leads to homelessness.”
“Financial constraints and insurance limitations sometimes make it impossible for families to cover their child's medical expenses. Oracle Health Foundation's pediatric grants connect children to needed care when finances stand in the way. Applications are accepted from the United States and through select international providers.”